Morgan invited her basketball team and some friends from school to a sleep-over birthday party. The plan was to have a scavenger hunt the next day, so they started off by splitting up into teams, and each person made a t-shirt with their team’s color as part of the main design. Iris made a big pot of spaghetti for dinner.
Coincidentally, Santa Claus came through the neighborhood, escorted by a couple of police cruisers. He stopped at a nearby corner, Morgan got to tell him what she wanted for Christmas, and the girls all got a group shot with him.
We all then went to El Segundo’s Candy Cane Lane Luckily, Michelle Olson volunteered to drive so we wouldn’t have to try and shuttle all of the kids in two cars. Candy Cane Lane was spectacular, as always. Afterwards, we drove over to Yogurberry, where everyone got to make their own frozen yogurt dessert.
The next day, the group broke up into their teams. Iris had come up with some really good goals for the scavenger hunt, including picking up an item at Airport Cleaners in El Segundo, getting their picture taken with a Rite Aid employee, finding out the price of a chicken taco at Fantastic Cafe, and getting a hand stamp from the El Segundo Library. It was a fairly long scavenger hunt, and both teams came back pooped.
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